logudl logudl Djillali Liabes University - Entreprenariat (en-en)
specific protocol under COVID-19
Pan African University Academic Year 2020/2021

A digital platform to register for a workshop on the “Business Plan”

the 2nd conference on entrepreneurship

The first edition of the Best Innovative Project Competition was launched on March 16, 2022

Local Competition for the Best Innovative Project

Opening Activities of the Global Entrepreneurship Week

The entrepreneurship center of the DjillaliLiabès University of Sidi Bel-Abbés

The entrepreneurship center of Djillali Liabès University in Sidi Bel-Abbès

Artistic touch to celebrate
Global Week of Entrepreneurship
sidi bel abbes 11/17/2014.

A framework agreement was signed between
Djillali Liabes the University and Incubator
Sidi Bel Abbes November 14, 2011