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Pan African University Academic Year 2020/2021









Presentation of the town:

It is 470 m a bove sea level, located on the Mekerrathe center of a vast plain between the Djebel Tessala north and the mountains of Dayain the South.SidiBel Abbes was known asbaseof the 1st Regimentof the Foreign Legion. SidiBel Abbeswas built by the Frenchona grid patternina rectangular enclosure, pierced with fourdoors,indicating the cardinalpoints.A1.5 km fromthe center is themar about of Sidi-Bel-Abbes, is that ofaholy manin the line of descendants of the Prophet and son of Sidi El Bouzidi who lived in the 18th century, which left throughout the region and are vered memory spawned wonderful legends.

Historical Overview:

The city wasbuilt by theLegionariesin 1843onthe banks of theMekkerabecause itis astrategic andwell-drainedlocation.This is thecaptain of engineerswho designedPrudonthe city.Like all citiesdesigned by thegeniusmélitaire, Sidi-Bel-Abbes was built ona grid planwith fortificationsand gatesat each corner.Its creation wasformalizedby a decreeof the Statedated January 5,1849.His firstname was Biscuit City and in 1859 it took the name of Bel-Abbes Napoleona very short time to become Sidi-Bel-Abbes the name of aWaliullah "Sidi BelAbbes Bouzidi."

Geostrategic position of the town:

  • Crossroads oftheWestregion,Wilaya deSidi BelAbbesis located at:
  •      80 km Oran and Tlemcen.
  •      60 km from Mascaraand Temouchent.
  •      150Km of Mostaganem.
  •      160Km of Mechria.
  •      100 km from Ras Elma, administrative district of the Wilayaand important military base.
  •      By means oftheEast-West Highway, Sidi BelAbbes is less than40 minutes from two internation alair ports (Senia, Oran and Zenatta, Tlemcen).
  •      By means ofrailwayhighland, Sidi BelAbbesiseasily accessible for Wilayas South.
  •      Due toits advantages,the wilaya of Sidi BelAbbes becomes the strategic junction between different neighboring wilayas.

Order: Executive No. 04-371 of 8 Shawwal 1425 corresponding to 21 November 2004 establishing the bachelor's "new plan"  

The Head of Government

On the report of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research,

  • Pursuant to the Constitution, in particular Articles 85-4 ° and 125 (paragraph 2);   
  • Considering Law No. 99-05 of 18 Dhu Al Hijja 1419 corresponding to April 4, 1999, as amended, concerning guidance on Higher Education Act;
  • Given Presidential Decree No. 04-136 of 29 Safar 1425 corresponding to 19 April 2004 appointing the Head of Government;
  • Given Presidential Decree No. 04-138 of 6 Rabie El Aouel 1425 corresponding to April 26, 2004 appointing the members of the Government;

Given Executive Decree No. 94-260 of 19 Rabie El Aouel 1415 corresponding to August 27, 1994 establishing the powers of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research:

Article 1

Pursuant to Article 21 of Law No. 99-05 of 18 Dhu Al Hijja 1419 corresponding to April 4, 1999, as amended, referred to above, this decree

object to the creation of Bachelor's "new plan".

Article 2

The degree of "new plan" license .sanctionne higher education graduation for a period of three (3) years, divided into six (6)

semesters organized capitalized and transferred teaching units measured in credits.

Article 3

Studies for graduation license "new plan" are organized in areas combining divided into sectors


The area covers a range of disciplines grouped consistently academically or that opportunities

training professionals.

The list of areas, sectors and specialties is fixed by order of the Minister of Higher Education.

Article 4

Registration details and re-registration of candidates for the Bachelor's "New Plan" are determined by order of

Minister of Higher Education.

Article 5

Studies for graduation "new regime" license include:

- The theoretical foundations and   discovery.

- Lessons of specialties may include practical training in the workplace.

Article 6

Students who passed the theoretical foundations and discovery are oriented according to their wishes

and their educational outcomes, according to conditions set by the Minister of Higher Education, to one of the channels

and specialty component of the field training.

Article 7

The organization of teaching, teaching programs, methods of control of knowledge and skills and

validation credits are set by order of the Minister of Higher Education.

Article 8

The degree of "new plan" license is issued by the Minister of Higher Education students justifying

the acquisition of one hundred eighty (180) credits and have fulfilled all the conditions of schooling and   educational progress.

The diploma shall specify the area, the sector and the specialty training and is accompanied by an appendix describing knowledge

and skills that the design is fixed by order of the Minister of Higher Education.

Article 9

Students enrolled in a regular cycle of higher education graduation can register to obtain

Diploma license "new plan" on terms and conditions established by order of the Minister of Higher Education.

Article 10

This Decree shall be published in the Official Gazette of the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria.

In construction

No. Entitled of laboratory Director of the laboratory
1 Biotoxicologie Pr. Mohamed BENALI
2 Physical organic chemistry and macromolecular Pr. MESLI Abderrezzak
3 Critical and literary and linguistic studies
Pr. Noureddine SABBAR
4 Ecodevelopment spaces Pr. Laïd HAMEL
5 Preparation and characterization of materials Pr. Noureddine Benramdane
6 Environment and health Pr. KANDOUCI Abdelkrim
7 Intelligent control system and electric power Pr. Brahimi Mostefa
8 Machine Interaction electrical networks converter Pr. RAMDANI Youcef
9 Applied Materials Pr. Hamza ABID
10 Materials and Catalysis Pr. Safia Taleb
11 Materials and Hydrology
12 Reactive materials and systems Pr. Mohamed MAZARI
13 Mathematics Pr. YOUSFATE Abderrahmane
14 Applied Microelectronics Pr. BENAMARA Zineb
15 Modeling and Simulation of Materials Science Pr. Bachir BOUHAFS
16 Summary of Environmental Information Pr. MOUFFOK Benali
17 Telecommunications and digital signal processing Pr. DJEBBARI Ali
18 Epidemiology and Public Health Pr. Soulimane Abdelkrim
19 Distributed and scalable information systems engineering Pr. MALKI Mimoune
20 Public service and development trends Pr. Karadji Mustapha
21 The modern and contemporary Algeria: History and Society
22 Mechanics and physics of materials Pr. SeriesR Boualem
23 Microscopy, microanalysis of matter and molecular spectroscopy Pr. KADOUN Abd-Ed-Daïm
24 Research on Oriental Studies of civilization of Muslim West
Pr. HALAILI Hanifi
25 Communication networks, architecture and multimedia Pr. TALEB Nasreddine
26 Business management Pr. BOURAHLA Allal
27 Plant Biodiversity: Conservation and enhancement Pr. BENHASSAINI Hashemi
28 Magnetic materials Pr. Noureddine BENKHETTOU
29 The revival of research in the teaching of the Arabic language in the Algerian education system
30 Civil Engineering and Environment
Pr. ASROUN Aissa
31 Applications of Plasma Electrostatics and Electromagnetic Compatibility
32 The Algerian theatrical text: reassembly and study the ideological dimensions
Pr. GARGOUA Idriss
33 Structural mechanics and solid
Pr. Megueni Abdelkader
34 Islamic Thought in Algeria
Pr. Mohamed MEKAHLI
35 Statistics and stochastic processes
Pr. Laksaci Ali
36 Biomathematics
Pr. LAKMECHE Abdelkader
37 Analysis and Control of Partial Differential Equations
38 Cancer and Environment
Pr. TOU Abdenacer
39 Condensed Matter and Sustainable Development
Pr. CHAHED Abbes
40 Physical Chemistry of Advanced Materials Pr. Mohamed AMERI
41 Advanced Materials and Structures in Civil Engineering and Public Works Dr. Samir BENYOUCEF
42 Innovation Management and Marketing
Pr. SAHRAOUI Benchiha

In Construction

In Construction