Available Master's Programs at Yarmouk University - Jordan
Available Master's Programs at Yarmouk University - Jordan
Condolences to Mr. Belja Abdelkader
Rehabilitation of the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the Djillali Liabes University of Sidi Bel Abbes as a center for professional examinations
Congratulations with The Rector to Bachelor's degree succes students - - June session 2022-
ESAGOV Project News
Erasmus+ international mobility grant for teachers in partnership with Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iași (Romania) 2022/2023
Independence and Youth Day, July 05th, 2022
The university director congratulates on the occasion of Independence and Youth Day, July 05th, 2022
Workshop Evidence-Based Medicine and writing systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Publication of a new book by Professor Karim Ouldennebia
Dedication Sale
Announcing exams