logudl logudl Djillali Liabes University - Workshop REHTCE'2014
specific protocol under COVID-19
Pan African University Academic Year 2020/2021

Third Study Days
"Electric Systems, High Voltage & EMC»
1-2 December 2014 University Djillali Liabes Sidi Bel Abbes

Download the program here (PDF version)

The faculty of technology collaborations with APELEC laboratories
IRECOM & ICEPS organize 1-2 December 2014 the third day
study "Electric Systems, High Tention & Electromagnetic Compatibility".
The edition of this year, sponsored by subsection IEEE / ALGERIA, will be dedicated
the following three themes:

- Electrical Networks.

- Electromagnetic compatibility.

- Pulsed Electric Fields: applications in food processing.

Chairman of the Organizing Committee:Prof. TILMATINE Amar
More information here