Announcing the temporary grant for the deal for the rehabilitation works of the library facades..
Announcing the temporary grant for the deal for the rehabilitation works of the library facades..
Notice of consultation N° 47_2024.
Notice of unsuccessful consultation No. 41_2024.
Notice of provisional award relating to the preparation of the Hall of Honor of the Central Library of the University of Sidi Bel Abbès.
Notice of provisional award relating to Food, Reception and Accommodation - Technological Platform of the University of Sidi Bel Abbès
Announcement of consultations n°41, 42, 43 and 44.
Declaration of the futility of Consultation No. 33 - Consultation No. 40/2024
Announcement of temporary subsidy again for the acquisition of audiovisual equipment Consultation No. 33/2024
Announcement of the preliminary results of the recruitment competition for access to the rank of Assistant Master Class B - 2024
1st Edition of the programming and robotics competition at BISKRA
Guide to obtaining a training scholarship in China