- List of names of professors, university researchers, professors and researchers at the hospital Consult
- The list of names of administrative and technical staff Consult
- List of candidates for the composition of the Central Appeals Commission for Hospital Professors, Teacher-Researchers and Permanent Researchers Consult
- List of candidates for the composition of the Central Appeals Commission for administrative users, technicians, interest representatives and research users
- Correspondence to faculty deans Consult
- Correspondence with the heads of university conferences Consult ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Decision n° 90 of January 23, 2022 fixing the date of the elections and the modalities Consult
- Decision n° 91 of January 23, 2022 fixing the date of the nominal lists of voters Consult
- Decision n° 92 of January 23, 2022 establishing the list of names of candidates for membership of the two appeal committeesConsult