logudl logudl Djillali Liabes University - Projets PCP en
specific protocol under COVID-19
Pan African University Academic Year 2020/2021

PCP (Prognam Concept Paper) projects with the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) for the year 2022.


Djillali Liabes University via the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of a call for PCP (Concept Paper Project Program) projects for the year 2022, from the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA ).

Download the application form

KOICA project

Teachers wishing to submit their applications are invited to complete the PCP (Concept Paper Project Program) application form in English.

PCP {Prognam Concept Paper} project application forms with the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA} for the year 2022.

Important: Duly completed projects must be returned before August 29, 2021