logudl logudl Djillali Liabes University - PRIMA Project 2020
specific protocol under COVID-19
Pan African University Academic Year 2020/2021


The DGRSDT informs that a preliminary version of the Call for Projects " PRIMA_2020 " has just been launched on the website of the PRIMA foundation below: http://prima-med.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Orientation-Paper-calls-2020.pdf

AWP2020 has not yet been officially approved by the European Commission, but in order to give applicants sufficient time to prepare their pre-proposals, we have been authorized to publish the draft version of this document. The title of the document has been changed to "guidance document" and contains a disclaimer advising that formal approval is still pending. (No major changes are expected at the subject level). "
The proposed new timetable would be as follows (to be confirmed): "
* Section 1:
- Call publication and opening: 05/02/2020
- Submission deadline Stage 1: 04/01/2020
- Evaluation results Stage 1: 23/06/2020
- Submission deadline Stage 2: 02/09/2020
- Evaluation results Stage 2: 04/12/2020.
* Section2:
- Call publication and opening: 05/02/2020
- Submission deadline Stage 1: 04/15/2020
- Evaluation results Stage 1: 07/17/2020
- Submission deadline Stage 2: 09/16/2020
- Evaluation results Stage 2: 11/12/2020