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Directeur du Laboratoire: Pr. MAHDJOUB Zoubir
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- Affichages : 4179
Equipe 1
Equipe 2
C/Improvement of the Electrical Qualities of the Dual-Band Bandpass Filter Based on Electromagnetic Coupling of (CRLH) CPW and (CSRRs) for Multi-band Applications 2023 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir
2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir
2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir
C/ Design of Triangular MIMO antenna based on Metamaterial Resonators for 5G Mobile Applications
2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir /rouabhi ahmed yacine
2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir /rouabhi ahmed yacine
2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir
2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/kaddour benkhallouk
2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir /rouabhi ahmed yacine
C/ Enhanced radiation characteristics of regular dodecagon split ring resonator (D-SRR)-based microstrip patch antenna employing dielectric superstrate for THz applications 2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir /rouabhi ahmed yacine
C/ Design of THz Antenna sensor and instruments in astronomy
2022 bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/ Mohamed debab
C/ ENHANCEMENT OF THE ABSORPTION ENERGIES OF SILICON CELLS BASED ON A PERFECT DUAL-BAND METAMATERIAL ABSORBER 2021 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/rouabhi ahmed yacine
2021 bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/ Mohamed debab/ berka Mohamed
2021 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/rouabhi ahmed yacine
2021 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/rouabhi ahmed yacine
2021 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/rouabhi ahmed yacine
2021 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/rouabhi ahmed yacine
2021 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/rouabhi ahmed yacine / moueffeq bouragaa
C/ A Terahertz Metal Oxide Semiconductor Circular Patch Antenna
2021 bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/ debab Mohamed
C/ Resonator Antenna with Dual Band Notched
2021 bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/ debab Mohamed
2020 faycal mennezla/ mahdjoub zoubir/rachida meliani /lahcene Mohamed reda
2020 mahjoub zoubir/berka mohamed
2020 mahjoub zoubir/berka Mohamed/ Baghdad bey
2020 mahjoub zoubir/berka Mohamed
2020 mahjoub zoubir/berka Mohamed/ abdelkader serhane
2019 bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/ debab Mohamed
Equipe 3
C/ A Terahertz Metal Oxide Semiconductor Circular Patch Antenna
2021 bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/ debab Mohamed
C/ Resonator Antenna with Dual Band Notched
2021 bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/ debab Mohamed
2021 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/rouabhi ahmed yacine / moueffeq bouragaa
2021 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/rouabhi ahmed yacine
2021 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/rouabhi ahmed yacine
C/ Design of THz Antenna sensor and instruments in astronomy
2022 bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/ Mohamed debab
2021 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/rouabhi ahmed yacine
2021 bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/ Mohamed debab/ berka Mohamed
2021 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/rouabhi ahmed yacine
2021 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/rouabhi ahmed yacine
2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir /rouabhi ahmed yacine
C/ Investigation of Dual-Band Metamaterial Absorber Based on Coplanar Triangular Resonators for Sensing Applications 2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir /rouabhi ahmed yacine
C/ Characterization of Multi-band Metamaterial Absorber based on Square - Circular Resonator Array for Biomedical Applications 2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir
2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/kaddour benkhallouk
2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir /rouabhi ahmed yacine
Equipe 4
- Kandouci, M.Bouchama, and M.Kandouci, « Analyse des vibrations transversales verticales , d’une ligne d’arbre , dues aux excitations de l’hélice propulsive et aux vibrations globales de la coque » , 5ème Journées internationales d’études sur les sciences marines , «J’NESMA 2001 », GETamenfoust/1°RM-28-29 et 30 Mai 2001
- Khadraoui, R. Menezla, M. Kandouci and M. Le Helley, « Three-dimensional device simulator of small geometry semiconductor », Congrés Euro Méditerranéen de la Matière Condensée, CEMMC, Tlemcen les 04, 05, 06 juin, 2001, (Algérie).
- Khadraoui, R.Menezla, M.kandouci, S. Mansouri, « Mise au point d’un simulateur 3D des effets de courbure dans les dispositifs à jonctions PN polarisées en inverse », Séminaire International sur la Microscopie SIM’1, les 14,15,16 octobre 2002, Sidi Bel-Abbès (Algérie).
- Kari , M. Kandouci, « Study and optimisation of GaAs LED », Algerian Conference on Microelectronics ACM, October 13,14 and 15, 2002, Algiers, (Algeria).
- Moulay Lakhdar, R.Méliani & M.Kandouci, « Effet de l’entrelacement sur les turbo-codes », Conférence Internationale sur les systèmes de Télécommunications d’Electronique Médicale et d’Automatique CISTEMA’2003, Université Abou Bekr Belkaïd -Tlemcen , les 27 & 29 Septembre 2003.
- Kari , M. Kandouci, « L’effet de la quantité du dopage sur la zone de déplétion pour une diode électroluminescente », International Conference on Electrical Electronics Engineering Communication & Physical Systems ELECOM ’04, May 04 & 05, 2004
Kandouci, S. Mottet, C. Kandouci Z. Kari, « The conduction in the Si Poly TFT’s for flat panel displays », International Conference on Electrical Electronics Engeneering Communication & Physical Systems ELECOM ’04, May 04 & 05, 2004
- Kari, M.Kandouci & H.Dib, «Etude et optimisation d’un phototransistor », 1st International Symposium on Electromagnetism, Satellites and Cryptography ISESC’05, June 19-21, 2005, Jijel University, Algeria.
- Younés, M.Rahli, H.Abdelhakem-Koridak, M.Kandouci , « Dispatching Economique par l’intelligence artificielle », International Conference on Electrotechnics, (ICEL’2005), November 13-14, 2005, University of Science and Technology of Oran MB, Algeria.
- Younés, M.Rahli, M.Kandouci , «Répartition économique des puissances par un algorithme génétique en code réel (application à un réseau 118 nœuds) », 6ème Conférence Francophone de Modélisation et SIMulation MOSIM’06 du 03 au 05 avril 2006- Rabat- Maroc.
- Bouzid, M.Kandouci , « Amplificateur optique à fibre dopée erbium (EDFA), étude du comportement du gain », International Conference on Electrotechnics, Conférence Internationale sur l’Ingénierie de l’Electronique, 28-29 mai 2006, U.S.T.Oran, Algérie.
- Bouzid, M.Kandouci , « Amplificateur optique à fibre dopée erbium (EDFA), étude du comportement du gain », International Conference on Electrotechnics, (ICEL’2005), November 13-14, 2006, University of Science and Technology of Oran MB, Algeria.
- Bouzid, M.Kandouci, M.Mékamène and M.Oukli, “Characterization of the erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA)”, The International Conference On Modeling and Simulation, MS’07 Italy, October 22-24/2007-Terni, Italy.
- Benameur, M.Kandouci, O.Boumediene, S .Taik, M .Oukli « Caractérisation d’un filtre optique de Bragg ». CSM (Conference on Material Sciences) au Liban, 2008.
- Boumediene,C.M.A.Zouaoui, M.Kandouci, S.Benameur “Use of resources of circuits GSM network” communication retenue pour une présentation par affiche au colloque international de telecom2009 & 6ème jfmma 12, 13 & 14 mars 2009 Agadir, Maroc.
- Benameur, M.Kandouci, C. Aupetit-Berthelemot O.Boumediene, S .Taik, M .Oukli « Caractérisation d’un filtre optique de Bragg ». Communication pour une présentation par affiche au colloque international telecom’2009 & 6ème jfmma 12, 13 & 14 mars 2009 Agadir, Maroc.
- Moulay Lakhdar, B.Belgheit & M.Kandouci, “Compression d'image par transformée en ondelette et quantification vectorielle adaptée », Communication par affiche à la conférence internationale, les 03 et 04 novembre 2009, à Biskra, Algérie.
- Benameur, M.Kandouci, C.Aupetit-Berthelemot, « Etude de l’impact des paramètres d’un démultiplexeur à base de filtres à réseaux de Bragg » ; JNOG’ 2010 , 29èmes journées de l’optique guidée, Besançon (France).
- Moulay lakhdar, , R. Méliani, Kandouci, « Evaluation des performances des codeurs d’images dans un canal sans fil », (Quatrième Conférence sur le Génie Electrique, le 03-04 Novembre2010, Université de Bechar, Algérie 190, Journal of Scientific Research N° 0 vol. 2 (2010).
- Benameur, M.Kandouci, C.Aupetit-Berthelemot , « CONGRES MEDITERRANEEN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CMT C, 18 -20 MARS 2010, CASABLANCA, MAROC.
- Benameur, M.Kandouci, C.Aupetit-Berthelemot, « Caractérisation d’un démultiplexeur dans une liaison WDM » ECOLE THEMATIQUE SLP2010 , du 28 Mars-02 Avril, Oran, Algérie.
- Benameur, M.Kandouci, C.Aupetit-Berthelemot, « Etude de l'impact des paramètres d’un démultiplexeur à base de filtres à réseaux de Bragg sur les performances d' une liaison WDM du réseau d'accès optique». 29èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée ( JNOG' 2010), 20-22 Octobre 2010,Besançon, France .
- Bouzid, M.Kandouci , « Amplificateur optique à fibre dopée erbium (EDFA), étude du comportement du gain », International Conference on Electrotechnics, (ICEL’2005), November 13-14, 2006, University of Science and Technology of Oran MB, Algeria.
- Bouzid, M.Kandouci, M.Mékamène and M.Oukli, «Characterization of the erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA)», The International Conference On Modeling and Simulation, MS’07 Italy, October 22-24/2007-Terni, Italy.
- Benameur, M.Kandouci, O.Boumediene, S .Taik, M .Oukli « Caractérisation d’un filtre optique de Bragg ». CSM (Conference on Material Sciences) au Liban, 2008.
- Boumediene,C.M.A.Zouaoui, M.Kandouci, S.Benameur, «Use of ressources of circuits GSM network » communication pour une présentation par affiche au colloque international de telecom2009 & 6ème jfmma 11, 12 & 13 mars 2009 Agadir, Maroc.
- Benameur, M.Kandouci, C. Aupetit-Berthelemot O.Boumediene, S .Taik, M .Oukli, « Caractérisation d’un filtre optique à réseau de Bragg ». Communication pour une présentation par affiche au colloque international telecom’2009 & 6ème jfmma 11, 12 & 13 mars 2009 Agadir, Maroc.
- Moulay Lakhdar, B.Belgheit & M.Kandouci, «Compression d'image par transformée en ondelette et quantification vectorielle adaptée », Communication par affiche à la conférence internationale, les 03 et 04 novembre 2009, à Biskra, Algérie.
- Madjidi, M.Kandouci, Z. Mahdjoub, « Une méthode itérative pour la synthèse par la loi d’amplitude de réseaux linéaires d’antennes imprimées rectangulaires», Conférence Internationale CISC 2011 , du 06 au 08 Décembre 2011, Jijel, Algérie.
- Saïm, M.Kandouci, S.Azzaz-Rahmani, Z.Mahdjoub, «Rayonnement de réseaux d’antennes imprimées annulaires : application multifaisceaux », Communication au Congrès Méditerranéen des Télécommunications CMT’2012, 22-24 Mars 2012, FES, Maroc.
- Madjidi, M.Kandouci, « Une méthode itérative pour la synthèse par la loi d’amplitude de réseaux linéaires d’antennes imprimées circulaires», Sciences and Technologies of Image and Telecommunications SETIT’012, 21-24 March , SOUSSE-TUNISIE, (2012).
- Biteur, M.Kandouci, «Application de la technique DS-CDMA aux systèmes de transmission optique », Communication à la 1ère Conférence Internationale sur le Traitement de l’Information Multimédia (CITIM’2012), 09-11 Avril 2012Mascara, Algérie.
- Biteur,L.Bouhezila, M.Kandouci, «Etude des performances du système DS-CDMA dans les environnements multi-trajets », Communication à la conférence « Scientific Days on Radio-Communication and Space Links »,16 -17 Mai 2012, Oran, Algérie.
- Bentahar, M.Kandouci, Z.Mahdjoub, « Caractérisation d’un amplificateur optique à fibre dopée erbium », International Conference on Embedded Systems In Telecommunications and Instrumentation (ICESTI’12), November 5 – 7, 2012, Annaba, Algeria.
- Bentahar, M.Kandouci, A. Souidini, « Simulation d’un laser à contre réaction répartie (DFB), International Conference on Embedded Systems In Telecommunications and Instrumentation (ICESTI’12), November 5 – 7, 2012, Annaba, Algerie.
- Khérici, M.Kandouci, Z.Mahdjoub, « Effects of cross phase modulation (XPM) and four wave mixing (FWM) in an optical link », International Conference on Embedded Systems In Telecommunications and Instrumentation (ICESTI’12), November 5 – 7, 2012, Annaba, Algeria.
- Saïm, M.Kandouci, Z.Mahdjoub, « Influence des paramètres d’antennes imprimées annulaires sur leur diagramme de rayonnement», International Conference on Embedded Systems In Telecommunications and Instrumentation (ICESTI’12), November 5 – 7, 2012, Annaba, Algeria.
- Biteur, M.Kandouci, « Detection Mono-utilisateur dans le système CDMA Optique à séquence Directe », International Conference on Embedded Systems In Telecommunications and Instrumentation (ICESTI’12), November 5-7, 2012, Annaba, Algeria.
- Benameur, M.Kandouci, C.Aupetit-Berthelemot, «Impact du chirp dans le laser à modulation directe sur les performances d’un système DWDM », International Conference on Embedded Systems In Telecommunications and Instrumentation (ICESTI’12), November 5-7, 2012, Annaba, Algeria.
- Benameur, C.Aupetit-Berthelemot , M.Kandouci, « Dense wavelength division demultiplexers based on fiber Bragg gratings», 8èmes journées Maghreb-Europe sur les Matériaux et leurs Applications aux DIspositifs CApteurs (Colloque MADICA’2012), Novembre 07-09, 2012, Sousse, Tunisie,
- Biteur, M.Kandouci, Z.Mahdjoub, « Récepteur à Annulation en Série d’Interférence (RASI) dans le Système DS-OCDMA», The first International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Applications (ICEECA’2012), November 20-22, 2012, Khenchela, Algeria.
- Benameur, C.Aupetit-Berthelemot , M.Kandouci, « Impact of optical demultiplexers based on fiber Bragg on DWDM transmission systems», The first International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Applications (ICEECA’2012), November 20-22, 2012, Khenchela, Algeria.
- Saim, M.Kandouci, Z.Mahdjoub, R.Madjidi, « Effet des paramètres des antennes imprimées annulaires fonctionnant en multifaisceaux sur leur diagramme de rayonnement. Mode TM21», The first International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Applications (ICEECA’2012), November 20-22, 2012, Khenchela, Algeria.
- Nassour, M.Kandouci, S.Benameur, « L’influence des paramètres du laser sur les performances d’une chaine de transmission optique en modulation directe», The first International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Applications (ICEECA’2012), November 20-22, 2012, Khenchela, Algeria.
- Bouarfa, M.Kandouci, B.Hachemi, « Etude et comparaison entre le code CRS binaire et le code CRS duo-binaire autour d’un canal AWGN», The first International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Applications (ICEECA’2012), November 20-22, 2012, Khenchela, Algeria.
- Belhallouche, V.Meghdadi, M.Kandouci, « Optimisation du système de codage distribué», The first International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Applications (ICEECA’2012), November 20-22, 2012, Khenchela, Algeria.
- M.Khalfi, M.Kandouci, « Mediator IP Telephony», The first International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Applications (ICEECA’2012), November 20-22, 2012, Khenchela, Algeria.
- Saïm, M.Kandouci, S.Azzaz-Rahmani, Z.Mahdjoub, «Rayonnement de réseaux d’antennes imprimées annulaires : application multifaisceaux », Communication au Congrès Méditerranéen des Télécommunications (CMT’2012), 22-24 Mars 2012, FES, Maroc.
- Nassour,H.Abid, M.Kandouci,& Al., «The impact size on functional parameters of InAs/GaAs quantum dot lasers», 2ème Conférence Internationale sur l’Electronique, l’Electrotechnique et l’Automatique (ICEEA’2013), Oran le 26 & 27 Novembre 2013, Algérie.
- Bentahar, M.Kandouci, «Erbium doped fiber amplifiers in booster position for access networks », The Second Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Applications (ICEECA'2014),18 -20 Novembre 2014, Constantine, Algérie.
- Bouarfa, M.Kandouci, «Design and performance analysis of MDHP code for spectral amplitude coding optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) », The Second Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Applications (ICEECA'2014),18 -20 Novembre 2014, Constantine, Algérie.
- Bentahar, M.Kandouci, «Simulation of GPON link used EDFA amplifiers in position booster for access networks », International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Signal Processing (ICOSIP'2015),08 -08 Novembre 2015, Tlemcen, Algérie.
- Nassour, M.Kandouci, «High trandmission quality in digital fiber optic links with external light injection », International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Signal Processing (ICOSIP'2015),08 -09 Novembre 2015, Tlemcen, Algérie.
- Bentahar, M.Kandouci, «The effects of concentration quenching and the position of EDFA amplifier on WDM/TDM –based long- reach passive optical networks », The 4Th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE’2015),13 -15 December 2015, Boumerdés, Algérie.
- Bouarfa, M.Kandouci, « Performance of Spectral Amplitude Coding OCDMA Using Multi-identity High Power Code », Journal Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Applications (JACN'2016),18 -20 Novembre 2016, Belfast, Irland.
- Bouarfa, M.Kandouci, A.Daoudi, «A Novel Architecture of Encoding and Decoding for SAC OCDMA System using MIHP Code», The International Conference on Wireless Technologies, Embedded and Intelligent Systems (WITS'2017),19 -20 April 2017, Fez, Morocco.
- Nassour, M.Kandouci, A.Belghachi, « High performance analysis of heterojunction In1-xGaxN/GaAs Solar cell using SCAPS», The Third International Conference on Engineering and Control Applications (ICEECA’2017), November 21-22, 2017, Constantine, Algeria.
- Kherici, M.Kandouci, « Comparative study between the WDM system and the DWDM in an optical transmission link at 40 Gb/s», The Third International Conference on Engineering and Control Applications (ICEECA’2017), November 21-22, 2017, Constantine, Algeria.
- Kherici, M.Kandouci, « Contribution to the performances study of optical time division multiplexing OTDM and OTDM/WDM hybrid multiplexing at 160 Gbps», The 5th International Conference on Wireless Technologies, embedded and intelligent Systems (WITS’2019), April 03-05, 2019, Fez, Morocco.
- Bouarfa, M.Kandouci, «Influence of the diffe»rent types of optical filters on the performance of SAC-OCDMA system based on SPD and SDD detection schemes», 4Th International Conference on Embedded Systems in Telecommunications and Instrumentation (ICESTI'19), October 28-29, Annaba , Algeria.
- Djellab, M.Kandouci, « An investigation on the NZCC code behaviour in a wavelength/polarization FE-AOCDMA systems.», 4Th International Conference on Embedded Systems in Telecommunications and Instrumentation (ICESTI'19), October 28-29, Annaba , Algeria.
- Kherici, M.Kandouci, «Contribution of CDWDM multiplexing in bidirectional passive optical network at 4x2,5 Gbps. », The 7th International Conference on Control & Engineering Technology(CEIT’2019)October 24-26, 2019, Tetouan, Morocco.
- Kherici, M.Kandouci, «Optimization of laser energy consumption by comparison of OTDM-PON, CWDM-PON and WDM-PON systems», 1st International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials IC-SEAM’21, April 21-22, 2021, Ouargla, ALGERIA.
- Bentahar, M.Kandouci , « I Impact of DFB LASER parameters on FTTH-GPON System», Séminaire International sur l’industrie et la technologie (webinaire), March, 12-13, 2021, Tlemcen Algeria.
https://www.aneau.org/ajeau/ ISSN : 2588-1760
- Kherici, M.Kandouci, « Performances study of a GPON system with the coexistence of XGS-PON, NG-PON2 PtP-WDM and RF-Video systems», The 7th International Conference on Wireless Technologies, embedded and intelligent Systems (WITS’2021), November 24-26, 2021, Tangier, Morocco.
http://wits2021.science-conf.net/ Springer & Indexed by Scopus.
- Tahar Lahreche, Kandouci,« For Body Sensor Network Applications», Conférence Internationale sur les sciences et genie des matériaux et leur impact sur l’environnement (ICMSE’21), December 20-21 Performance Analysis of Porous Electrodes Based Electrochemical Supercapacitor Storage System, 2021, Sidi Bel-Abbès, Algérie.
- Kherici, M.Kandouci, « Performances study of a coexistence in a PON network taking into account the stimulated scattering of Raman», The 7th International Conference on Wireless Technologies, Embedded and Intelligent Systems (WITS’2022), March 02-04, 2022, Fez, Morocco.
- Tahar Lahreche, Kandouci, Yacine Hadjaj, « A comparative analysis of different diaphragm shaped for MEMS capacitive pressure sensor», 19th IEEE International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD’2022) held in Setif-Algeria on May 06th -10th , 2022, Ref:1570784068.
- Kherici, M.Kandouci, « Analyze the factors influencing the performance of the GPON/XGSPON coexistence system», The 1st Edition of the International Conference on Electronics Engineering and Telecommunications (2ETA”23), November 22-23, 2023, Bordj Bou-Arreridj University, Algeria.
- Kherici, M.Kandouci, « Impact of PON network range and laserpower on GPON and XGPON coexistence system», Eight IEEE International Conference on Image and Signal Processing and their Applications (ISPA2024), April 21 & 22, Biskra, Algeria.
Communications nationales
- Kandouci, S. Mottet, C. Kandouci and Z. Kari, « Modelling and optimisation of Si Poly TFT’s for flat panel displays », Premier séminaire de spectroscopie SNS’02, du 15 au 17 décembre 2002, Saïda (Algérie).
- Kari , M. Kandouci, « La simulation de la densité de courant en fonction de la tension en direct et en inverse d’une LED de type GaAs(N)/GaAs(P) », Premier séminaire de spectroscopie SNS’02, du 15 au 17 décembre 2002, Saïda (Algérie).
- Oukli, M. Kandouci, « Etude et optimisation d’une transmission optique à haut débit », Premier séminaire de spectroscopie SNS’02, du 15 au 17 décembre 2002, Saïda (Algérie).
- Biteur, M.Kandouci, «Application de la technique DS-CDMA aux systèmes de transmission optique », Communication aux Journées Nationales d’Etudes Doctorales en Informatique ( JNEDI’2012), 20 Mai 2012, Skikda, Algérie.
- Biteur, M.Kandouci, « Detection Mono-utilisateur dans le système DS-CDMA Optique à séquence Directe », Première Conférence Nationale sur les télécommunications (CNT’2012), November 10–12, 2012, Guelma, Algeria.
- Nassour, S.Benameur, M.Kandouci, « La modulation directe dans une liaison de transmission par fibre optique», Première Conférence Nationale sur les télécommunications (CNT’2012), November 10–12, 2012, Guelma, Algeria.
- Benameur, M.Kandouci, « La modulation directe dans une liaison de transmission par fibre optique», Première Conférence Nationale sur les télécommunications (CNT’2012), November 10–12, 2012, Guelma, Algeria.
- Bentahar, M.Kandouci, A.Souidini, « Simulation d’un laser à contre réaction répartie (DFB)», Première Conférence Nationale sur les télécommunications (CNT’2012), November 10–12, 2012, Guelma, Algeria.
- Saïm, M.Kandouci, Z.Mahdjoub, « Influence des paramètres d’antennes imprimées annulaires sur leur diagramme de rayonnement mode TM22», Première Conférence Nationale sur les télécommunications (CNT’2012), November 10–12, 2012, Guelma, Algeria.
- Madjidi, M.Kandouci, Z.Mahdjoub, « Contribution à l’étude et optimisation des réseaux rectilignes d’antennes imprimées circulaires», Première Conférence Nationale sur les télécommunications (CNT’2012), Novembre 10–12, 2012, Guelma, Algérie.
- Nassour, M.Kandouci, A.Belghachi, « Analyse de haute performance de la cellule solaire à hétérojonction In1-xGaxN/GaAs», Premières Journées Doctorales de génie Electrique (JD’2017), Décembre 04–05, 2017, Sidi bel-abbés, Algérie.
- Madjidi, M.Kandouci, Z.Mahdjoub, « Contribution à l’étude d’une chaine de communication RF à base de nanotubes de carbone», Premières Journées Doctorales de génie Electrique (JD’2017), Décembre 04–05, 2017, Sidi bel-abbés, Algérie.
- Kherici, M.Kandouci, « Comparative study between the WDM system and the DWDM in an optical transmission link at 40 Gb/s», Premières Journées Doctorales de génie Electrique (JD’2017), Décembre 04–05, 2017, Sidi bel-abbés, Algérie.
- Tahar Lahreche, Kandouci, Mohammed Mehdi, « Comparative Material Analysis for the Development of a Highly Sensitive MEMS Pressure Sensor», 1st National Conference on Applied Science and Advanced Materials (NCASAM’2021), December 20-22, 2021, Skikda, Algérie.
- Kherici, M.Kandouci, « Performances study of a GPON system with the coexistence of XGS-PON, NG-PON2 PtP-WDM and RF-Video systems», Conférence Nationale sur les Télécommunications et ses Applications (CNTA’21), Décembre 20–21, 2021, Aïn-Témouchent, Algérie.
- Tahar Lahreche, Kandouci,« Design and Analysis of an RF MEMS Switch Using COMSOL Multiphysics 5.6», Conférence Nationale sur les Télécommunications et ses Applications (CNTA’21), December 20-21, 2021, Aïn-Témouchent, Algérie.
- Tahar Lahreche, Kandouci, « Radar Sensor Modelling for Cobot Safety Systems in industry 4.0», 1st National Conference on Information and Communication Technology (CICT’2022), February 21-22, 2022, Tamanrasset, Algérie.
- Tahar Lahreche, Kandouci,« For Body Sensor Network Applications», Conférence Internationale sur les sciences et genie des matériaux et leur impact sur l’environnement (ICMSE’21), December 20-21 Performance Analysis of Porous Electrodes Based Electrochemical Supercapacitor Storage System, 2021, Sidi Bel-Abbès, Algérie.
- Détails
- Écrit par Super Utilisateur
- Catégorie : Non catégorisé
- Affichages : 4263
Equipe 1
- 2022 Chama Zouaoui Belkacem Hachemi Boucenna sid ahmed Bagdaoui amina
Chama Zouaoui / Khalil Ibrahim Lairedj / Amina Bagdaoui / Sid Ahmed Boucenna
A Generalized Gaussian Mixture Model-EM algorithm approach for MRI Brain Tumor Segmentation
Conference Paper Oct 2023
Chama Zouaoui / Khalil Ibrahim Lairedj / Amina Bagdaoui / Sid Ahmed Boucenna
PosterDec 2022
Chama Zouaoui / Belkacem Hachem / Amina Bagdaoui / Sid Ahmed Boucenna
Conference PaperDec 2022
Maacho Anani / Chama Zouaoui / Bagdaoui Amina / Amina Bendaoudi / M.R. Djafari
Poster Dec 2022
Chama Zouaoui / Belkacem Hachem / Amina Bagdaoui / Sid Ahmed Boucenna / A.S Verma
Article Mar 2020 ISBN: 1098-1098
Chama Zouaoui / Belkacem Hachem/ El Sedik Lamini / Abdelkader Abderrahmane/ Alim Ferhat Fatiha
Image Reconstruction based on Bayesian total variation and Hidden Markov model
Conference Paper Nov 2019 DOI: 10.1109/ISPA48434.2019.8966879
Boualem Mansouri/ Yasser Radouane Haddadi/ Zouaoui Chama / ali Mohammad Djafari
Equipe 2
Bachir BELKADI, Zoubir MAHDJOUB, Mohammed Lamine SEDDIKI, Mourad NEDIL
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences 2018
- Study of the Electromagnetic Characteristics of a Rectangular Microwave Absorber Based on Metamaterial
Dr. Mohammed Berka, Dr. Mourad Hebali, Pr. Zoubir Mahdjoub
International Journal of Advances in Computer and Electronics Engineering 2018
- An Ultra Low power and High Performance of CMOS (6H-SiC) Current Mirrors in BSIM3v3 130nm Technology
Dr. Mourad Hebali, Djilali Berbara, Dr. Miloud Abboun Abid, Pr. Mohammed Benzohra, Pr. Djilali Chalabi, Pr. Abdelkader Saïdane Dr. Mohammed Berka
International Journal of Advances in Computer and Electronics Engineering 2018
- A Novel Dual-Band Bandpass Filter Based on Coupling of Composite Right/Left Hand CPW and (CSRRs) Uses Ferrite component
Mohammed Berka , Zoubir Mahdjoub, BENNAOUM Menouer
- UWB Monopole Antenna with Reconfigurable Notch Bands based on Metamaterials
Belkadi,Z. Mahdjoub, M. L. Seddiki, M. Nedil
- Characteristics UWB Planar Antenna With Dual Notched Bands For WIMAX And WLAN
Debab Mohamed, Mahdjoub Zoubir
- Patch antenna loaded with C-DNM for X-band applications
- Performance Enhancement of Rectangular Patch Antenna by Loading Complementary Multi-Ring SRR
Journal of Electrical System 2018
- Comparative study of patch antenna loaded with slot split-ring resonators on different substrate materials
Photon Netw Commun 2017
- Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna with Single Band Rejection Characteristics
Mohamed Debab and Zoubir Mahdjoub
Journal of telecommunications and information technology 2019
- Single Band Notched Characteristics UWB Antenna using a Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator and U-shaped Slot
DEBAB Mohamed, MAHDJOUB Zoubir
Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications 2018
A miniaturized folded square split ring resonator cell based dual band polarization insensitive metamaterial absorber for C-and Ku-band applications 2023 Mohamed BERKA
2023 Mohamed BERKA/ Mahdjoub zoubir/Debab Mohamed / Bendaoudi amina
2023 bendaoudi amina /berrahal belabbes /Mahdjoub zoubir
One-Layer and Dual-Polarized Metamaterial Inspired Antenna Using Dodecagon Split Ring Resonator Mushroom and Metasurface for Terahertz Applications 2023 amina bendaoudi /kadour benkhallouk / Mohamed berka /mahdjoub zoubir
Design of Miniaturized Planar Antenna based on Complementary Metamaterial Resonators Dedicated to Wireless Communication Handheld Devices 2023 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir
2023 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir
Study and Design of a New Type of Asymmetric Metamaterial Resonator for Circular Shape with Segmented Squares for microwave Sensing Applications 2023 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir
2023 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir
A/ Enhanced radiation characteristics of regular dodecagon split ring resonator (D-SRR)-based microstrip patch antenna employing dielectric superstrate for THz applications 2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/kaddour benkhallouk
A/ Designing of tri-band bandpass microwave filter based on (E–Z) inter-coupled tapered metamaterial resonators for C- and X-band applications and operations 2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir /rouabhi ahmed yacine/benkhallouk kadour
2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/ Mohamed debab
2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir /rouabhi ahmed yacine
2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/rouabhi ahmedyacine/ bennaoum menaouer
A/ Frequency reconfigurable circular microstrip patch antenna with slots for cognitive radio
2022 Mahdjoub zoubir/ debab Mohamed/ lebiod Mohamed
A/ Dual Notched-Band Crescent Moon Dielectric Resonator Antenna
2021 bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/ debab Mohamed
2021 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/rouabhi ahmed yacine/ hocine abdelhak azzedine
2021 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/driss bouguenna
A/ Comparative study on performance on LDPC codes and turbo-codes used in the image transmission in the Gaussian and Railegh channel. 2019mahdoub zoubir/ rachida meliani / faycal menezla
Equipe 3
- Characteristics UWB Planar Antenna With Dual Notched Bands For WIMAX And WLAN
Debab Mohamed, Mahdjoub Zoubir
- Study of Patch Antenna Behavior with Metamaterial of Type Multi-Ring SRR
- Patch antenna loaded with C-DNM for X-band applications
- Single Band Notched Characteristics UWB Antenna using a Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator and U-shaped Slot
DEBAB Mohamed, MAHDJOUB Zoubir
Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications 2018
- Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna with Single Band Rejection Characteristics
Mohamed Debab and Zoubir Mahdjoub
Journal of telelcommunications and information technology 2019
- Comparative study of patch antenna loaded with slot split-ring resonators on different substrate material
A.Bendaoudi , Z. Mahdjoub
Photon Netw Commun 2017
- Performance Enhancement of Rectangular Patch Antenna by Loading Complementary Multi-Ring SRR
Journal of Electrical System 2018
- Patch antenna loaded with C-DNM for X-band applications
2023 Mohamed BERKA/ Mahdjoub zoubir/Debab Mohamed / Bendaoudi amina
2023 bendaoudi amina /berrahal belabbes /Mahdjoub zoubir
2023 amina bendaoudi /kadour benkhallouk / Mohamed berka /mahdjoub zoubir
Design of Miniaturized Planar Antenna based on Complementary Metamaterial Resonators Dedicated to Wireless Communication Handheld Devices 2023 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir
2023 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir
2023 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir
2023 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir
2023 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir
2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir
2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir
New Design of Triangular MIMO antenna based on Metamaterial Resonators for 5G Mobile Applications
2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir /rouabhi ahmed yacine
2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/kaddour benkhallouk
2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir /rouabhi ahmed yacine/benkhallouk kadour
2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/ Mohamed debab
2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir /rouabhi ahmed yacine
2022 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/rouabhi ahmedyacine/ bennaoum menaouer
A/ Dual Notched-Band Crescent Moon Dielectric Resonator Antenna
2021 bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/ debab Mohamed
2021 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/rouabhi ahmed yacine/ hocine abdelhak azzedine
2021 berka mohamed/ bendaoudi amina / mahdjoub zoubir/driss bouguenna
Equipe 4
Publications internationales
- Kervarec, C. Guillemot, M. Henry, M. Kandouci, J. C. Simon and P. Gravey, « Optical packet wavelength routing switch demonstrator: architecture and synchronization issues », Photonics in Switching, Technical Digest Series, IEEE/OSA (Optical Society of America), Volume 10, April 2-4, 1997, ISSN , Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, (Sweden).
- Kandouci, S. Mottet, C.Kandouci, « A model for the conduction in polycrystalline silicon thin film transistors» , Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”(EJTA), Volume 11, April 29, 2005, ISSN 1819-2408, Moskva, (Russia).
- Younés, M.Rahli, A.Koridak, M.Kandouci , «Economic power dispatch using evolutionary algorithm », Journal of Electrical Engineering (JEE), Vol.57, No.4, pp.1-5, 2006, ISSN 1335-3632.
- Moulay Lakhdar, R.Méliani, M.Kandouci, « A Simulation of Image Transmission : Turbo-codes Combined with JPEG Image Compression », International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), Volume 1, Number 3, 2006, ISSN 0973-6972.
- Moulay Lakhdar, R.Méliani and M.Kandouci, « A Simulation of Image Transmission: Turbo-Codes Combined with JPEG Image Compression », Research Journal of Applied Sciences (RJAS), 2(1): pp.100-104, 2007, ISSN 1993-6079.
- Moulay Lakhdar, R.Méliani and M.Kandouci, “Research on Unequal Error Protection with Punctured Turbo-Codes in JPEG Image Transmission System”, Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering (SJEE), Vol. 4-1, 2007,ISSN 1451-4869.
- Oukli, M.Kandouci, M.Bouzid and A.Bendaoud, “Study and optimization of optical Fiber transmission with High Bit Rate”, Serbian Journal of electrical Engineering (SJEE), Vol.5, No.2, pp.361-370, Nov. 2008, ISSN 1451-4869.
- Moulay Lakhdar, R.Méliani, M.Kandouci, “Research on Unequal Error Protection with Punctured Turbo Codes in JPEG Image Transmission System”, Serbian Journal Of Electrical Engineering (SJEE), Vol. 4, No. 1, pp.95-108, June 2007, ISSN 1451-4869.
- Moulay Lakhdar, R.Méliani, M.Kandouci,“A Simulation of Image Transmission: Turbo Codes Combined with JPEG Image Compression”, IJAER International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), Vol.1 ,No. 3, 2006, pp.365-372, 2007, ISSN 0973-6972.
- Moulay Lakhdar, R.Méliani, M.Kandouci., “A simulation of image transmission : Turbo-codes Combined with JPEG Image Compression”, Medwell on line, Research Journal of Applied Science (RJAS), pp.100-104, 2007, ISSN..
- Moulay Lakhdar, R.Méliani, M.Kandouci , « A Simulation of Image Transmission : Turbo-codes Combined with JPEG Image Compression », International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), Volume 1, Number 3, 2006, ISSN 0973-6972 .
- Moulay Lakhdar, R.Méliani, M.Kandouci, « Robust Image Transmission Using SPIHT and Turbo-codes », Istanbul University - Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (JEEE), Volume 8, Number 1, pp. 481-601, 2008, ISSN 1451-4869 .
- Moulay Lakhdar, R.Méliani, M.Kandouci, « An EEP Transmission System Using RCPT Codes And JPEG2000», Journal of Information Technology And control (JITA), Volume 37, No.2, Number 1, pp. 163-168, 2008, ISSN 1392-124X .
- Benameur, M. Kandouci, O. Boumediène “An optical WDM link simulation at 4*10 gbits/s with the COMSIS software” Advances in Wireless and Mobile Communications (AWMC) Volume 1, Number 1-3 (2008), pp. 1–6. ISSN 0973-6972.
- Benameur, M. Kandouci, O. Boumediène, S. Taik, M. Bouzid, M.Oukli “The contribution of filtering optical fabry-perot type on optical amplified link” Advances in Wireless and Mobile Communications (AWMC) Volume 1, Number 1-3 (2008), pp. 1–6. ISSN 0973-6972.
- Benameur, M.Kandouci, C.Apetit-Berthelemot, O.Boumediène, & M.Oukli, «An Optical WDM Link simulation At 4*10Gbits/s With The COMSIS Software», Advances in Wireless and Mobile Communications (AWMC), ISSN 0973-6972, Vol.1, No.1-3, pp.1-6, Research India Publications, 2008.
- Benameur, M.Kandouci, C.Apetit-Berthelemot, O.Boumediène,,& S.Taïk, «An Optical WDM Link simulation At 4*10Gbits/s With The COMSIS Software», Istanbul University-Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IU-JEEE), ISSN 1303-0914, Vol.1, No.1-3, pp.1-6, 2008.
- Benameur, M.Kandouci, O.Boumédiène, S.Taïk, M.Bouzid, M.Oukli, “An optical WDM link simulation at 4*10 Gbits/s with the COMSIS software”, Serbian Journal of electrical Engineering (SJEE), Vol.6, No.2, pp.343-349, Nov. 2009, UDK: 621.372.8:681.7.068.
- Moulay Lakhdar, M. Kandouci, B. Belgheit, M. Kamline, ‘‘New puncturing pattern for bad interleavers in turbo-codes’’, Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering (SJEE), UDK: 621.372.8:681.7.068, ISSN:1451-4869, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp: 351-358, Nov. 2009.
- Moulay Lakhdar, B. Belgheit, Taleb, R. Meliani, M. Kandouci, ‘‘Evaluation des performances des codeurs d’images dans un canal sans fil’’, Journal of Scientific Research (JSR), Université de Béchar, Vol. 2, No 0, pp: 190-194, 2010.
- F. Khalfi, M.Kandouci, «Centralized resource management for network infrastructure including IP telephony by integrating a mediator between the heterogeneous data sources», High Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technologies (HONET), Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/HONET.2011.6149840
Publication Year: 2011 , Page(s): 318 - 322 , IEEE Conference Publications.
- Mohammed Fethi Khalfi, Malika Kandouci, «Centralized Resource Management for Network Infrastructure Including Ip Telephony by Integrating a Mediator Between the Heterogeneous Data Sources», World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology , Vol.59, pp. 509-513,
- Mohammed Fethi Khalfi, Malika Kandouci, «Centralized Resource Management for Network Infrastructure Including Ip Telephony by Integrating a Mediator Between the Heterogeneous Data Sources», 978-1-4577-1169-5/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE.pp.318-322.
- Bouarfa, M.Kandouci, « Comparison between the performance of modified multi-diagonal codes (MMD) and OOC codes using Matlab », International Journal of Computer and Electronics Research (IJCER), [Volume 2, Issue 5, October 2013]. http://ijcer.org e- ISSN: 2278-5795 p- ISSN: 2320-9348 PP. 664-666.
- Biteur,M.Kandouci,Z.Mahdjoub, «Conventional Receiver with Optical Limiter in DS-OCDMA System», International Journal of advances in Engineering & Technology (IJAET),Sept. 2013, ISSN: 22311963, Vol. 6, Issue 4, pp. 1494-1504.
- Nassour, M.Kandouci, S.Benameur, « The performance of optical transmission chain with external modulation», International Journal of Research in computer Engineering and Electronics, Vol.2, Issue 6,http://www.ijrcee.org, IJRECE@2013, ISSN 2319-376X.
- Benameur, M.Kandouci, C.Aupetit-Berthelemot, A.Joti, «Dense wavelength division (de) multiplexers based on fiber Bragg gratings», Sensors & Transducers, Vol. 27, Special Issue, May 2014, pp. 62-66.© 2014 by IFSA Publishing, S. L., http://www.sensorsportal.com.
- Bentahar, M.Kandouci, C.Aupetit-Berthelemot, «Analysis of GPON downstream with 128 users using EDFA in-line amplifier for extended reach to 80 km», American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, AIJRSTEM 14-301, © 2014 , pp.20-27, , ISSN(Print), ISSN(online)2328-3580, ISSN(CD-ROM)2328-3629.
- Bentahar, M.Kandouci, « Analysis of concentration quenching on Erbium Doped Fibers using 8-Channel WDM /TDM PON Optical Communication System», International Journal of advanced studies in Computer Science and Engineering(IJASCSE) , 2014, Volume 3, Issue 9, ISSN (Online): 2328-3580). http:// www.IJASCSE.org.2014.
- Bentahar, M.Kandouci, « Analysis Of GPON Downstream With 128 Users Using EDFA In-Line Amplifier For Extended Reach To 80»,American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (AIJRSTEM),2014, Vol.1, Numéro 6, , ISSN 2328-3580. http://www.iasir.netJune 2014.
- Nassour, M.Kandouci, H.Abid, A.Naas, « L’effet de la température sur les paramètres fonctionnels d’un laser à boîte quantique InAs/GaAs», Revue ElWahat pour les recherches et les études, Vol.7, N°2,pp. 26-32, 2014, http://elwahat.univ-ghardaia.dz.
- Bentahar, M.Kandouci, C.Aupetit-Berthelemot, «Analysis of GPON downstream with 128 users using EDFA in-line amplifier for extended reach to 80 km», American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, (AIJRSTEM ) 14-301, © 2014 , pp.20-27, , ISSN(Print), ISSN(online)2328-3580, ISSN(CD6ROM)2328-3629.
- Bentahar, M.Kandouci, C.Aupetit-Berthelemot, «Evaluation of gain and quality factor of an erbium doped fiber post-, pre-, and in -line amplifier for GPON», International Journal of computer applications, (IJCA) , pp.40-45, , ISSN(Print), ISSN 0975-8887, Volume 94-N°6, May 2014.
- Benameur, M.Kandouci, C.Aupetit-Berthelemot, «Optimized optical filtering for 40 Gb/s/channel optical differential quadrature phase shift key (DQPSK), in DWDM systems for access network», International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology (IJSET ), (ISSN : 2277-1581), Volume No.3 Issue No.6, pp. 823-825 1 June 2014.
- Bentahar, M.Kandouci, « Optimized of Erbium-Doped-Fiber Amplifiers (EDFA) Parameters in Hybrid Passive Optical Network (WDM/TDM-PON) Systems with 512 Users», World Applied Sciences Journal (WASJ), 33 (6): 1042-1051, 2015, ISSN 1818-4952, © IDOSI Publications, 2015, DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2015.33.06.272.
- Bentahar, M.Kandouci, « Performance Improvement by Pre-Amplifying with Erbium, Ytterbium Doped Devices Link Extenders of Fiber to the Home», International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business (IJIEEB), 2016, pp.26-34,Volume 8, Issue 4,MECS 2016. http://www.mecs-press.org.
- Bouarfa, M.Kandouci, «Performance of Spectral Amplitude Coding OCDMA Using Multi-identity High Power Code », Journal of Advances in Computer Networks (JACN), vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 184-188, 2016, JACN 2016 , ISSN: 1793-8244 DOI: 10.18178/JACN.2016.4.4.228,
http://www.jacn.net, E-mail:Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
- Bentahar, M.Kandouci, « Performance of EDFA Amplifier Position (Pre-, Post- and In-Line Amplification) for Reach Extendibility of GPON-FTTH», International Journal of Electronics, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering (IJEMEE), Vol.7 Num.1 - 2017, pp.1327-1334,. http://dergipark.gov.tr/ijemme/issue/27883/306137
- Bouarfa, M.Kandouci, A.Garadi, H.Djellab, « PIIN Cancellation Using a Novel Receiving Architecture for Spectral/Spatial SAC-OCDMA System », Journal of Optical Communications (JOC’2017), ISSN (Online) 2191-6322, ISSN (Print) 0173-4911, pp. 01-10, JOC 2017,DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/joc-2017-0179, Received October 16, 2017; accepted December 7, 2017
E-mail: https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/joc
- Bouarfa, M.Kandouci, H.Djellab, « A New MIHP Code Using Direct Detection for SAC-OCDMA System », International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI’2017), ISSN (Online) 2191-6322, ISSN (Print) 0173-4911, Volume 9, Number 4, pp. 825-833, December 2017,DOI: https:// DOI: 10.15676/ijeei.2017.9.4.14, E-mail: https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/joc
- Djellab, A.Doghmane, A.Bouarfa, M.Kandouci, « Study of the Different Optical Filters in SAC-OCDMA System », Journal of Optical Communications (JOC’2018), ISSN (Online) 2191-6322, ISSN (Print) 0173-4911, vol.39, n°4,pp381-386,Avril 2018, https://doi.org/10.1515/joc-2017-0223
Received December 28, 2017; accepted February 6, 2018 https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/joc
- Bentahar, M.Kandouci, « Optimisation of concentration quenching on Erbium Ytterbium doped wave guide EYDWA using for extended reach up to 160km of hybrid Gigabit passive optical networks and free space optical technology "GPON-FSO"», International Journal of Optical Communications (JOC), 2018, pp.1-6,Volume 8, Issue 4,JOC 2018. https://doi.org/10.1515/joc-2018-0135
Received August 02, 2018; accepted October 07, 2018.
- Bouarfa, M.Kandouci, S.Bojanic, « Enhanced performances of W/S SAC-OCDMA system using LDPC code», Journal of Optical communications (JOC’2019), https://doi.org/10.1515/joc-2018-0181
Received May 08, 2018; accepted February 21, 2019.
- Cheikh Kherici, Malika Kandouci, « Comparative study between the WDM and the DWDM», Springer Nature Switzerland AG (2019) , https://doi.org/10,1007/978-3-319-97814.
- Abdelkader Nassour, Malika Kandouci, « High performance of hetero-junction of In 1-x GaxN/GaAs solar cell», Springer Nature Switzerland AG (2019).
- Cheikh Kherici, Malika Kandouci, « A Comparative Study of Performances Between the WDM PON System and the CWDM PON System in an Optical Access Network», Journal of Optical communications (JOC’2020), https://doi.org/10.1515/joc-2019-0248
Received September 23, 2019; accepted January 20, 2020
50. A.Bentahar, M.Kandouci, S.Ghouali, « Erbium/Ytterbium-Doped Waveguide Amplifier (EYDWA) for extended reach of Wavelength Division Multiplexing based free space optics system (WDM/FSO)», International Journal of Optical Communications (JOC), Published online by De GruyterJune 19 2020.
- Lahreche, M.Kandouci, « Ultra-sensitive LC MEMS for bladder pressure monitoring using modified slotted diaphragm», Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures Vol. 19, No. 1, January – March 2024, pp. 351 - 357
https://doi.org/10.15251/DJNB.2024.191.351ch 2024, pp. 351 - 357.
- Kherici, M.Kandouci, « Controlling XPM and SPM nonlinear effects impacts in GPON/XGSPON coexistence system using RZ and NRZ modulation formats », International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Systems (IJEEES), ISSN: 2602-7437); Vol. 1, Issue 1, Published online: March 2024.
Publications Nationales
- A.Bentahar, M.Kandouci, S.Ghouali, R.Madjidi, « Impact of DFB LASER parameters on FTTH GPON system», Algerian Journal of Engineering Architecture and Urbanism (AJEAU) , Vol.5, N°3, pp103-109, 2021.
https://www.aneau.org/ajeau/ ISSN : 2588-1760 Head office : A.N.E.A.U. Assoc. USTO, Bir El Djir, Oran, 31000, Algeria
- Enhanced Performances of W/S SAC-OCDMA System Using LDPC Code
A.Bouarfa, M. Kandouci and S. Bojanic
DE GRUYTER J.Opt. Commun 2019
- Optimization of Concentration Quenching on Erbium Ytterbium Doped Wave Guide
EYDWA Using for Extended Reach up to 160 Km of Hybrid Gigabit Passive Optical
Networks and Free Space Optical Technologie “GPON-FSO”
Bentahar Attaouia and Kandouci Malika
DE GRUYTER J.Opt. Commun 2018
- PIIN Cancellation Using a Novel Receiving Architecture for Spectral/Spatial SAC-OCDMA System
A.Bouarfa, M. Kandouci, A. Garadi and H. Djellab
DE GRUYTER J.Opt. Commun 2017
- High Performance Analysis of Hetero-Junction In1−XGaXN/GaAs Solar Cell Using SCAPS
Abdelkader Nassour, Malika Kandouci and Abderrahmane Belghachi
- A New MIHP Code Using Direct Detection for SAC-OCDMA System
Abdelkader Bouarfa, Malika Kandouci, and Hannane Djellab
International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2017
- Enhanced Performances of SAC-OCDMA System by Using Polarization Encoding
Ahmed Garadi, Boubakar S. Bouazza, Abdelkader Bouarfa and Khansae Meddah
DE GRUYTER J.Opt. Commun 2018
- Performance Improvement by Pre-Amplifying with Erbium, Ytterbium Doped Devices Link
Extenders of Fiber to the Home
Bentahar Attaouia, Kandouci Malika
I.J. Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2016
- Performance of Spectral Amplitude Coding OCDMA Using Multi-identity High Power Code
A.Bouarfa and M. Kandouci
Journal of Advances in Computer Networks2016
- High Performance Analysis of Hetero-junction In1-xGaxN/GaAs SolarCell Using SCAPS
Abdelkader NASSOUR, Malika KANDOUCI, Abderrahmane Belghachi
Laboratory of Electronic Photonic and Optoelectronic (LEPO)
- PIIN Cancellation Using a Novel Receiving Architecture for Spectral/Spatial SAC-OCDMA System
Bouarfa,M. Kandouci, A. Garadi and H. Djellab
DE GRUYTER J.Opt. Commun 2017
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