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Nous informons l'ensemble
Liste des candidats de Médecine dentaire
Liste des candidats de Pharmacie
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2nd National Day of Faculty of Medicine Taleb Mourad
“Green Chemistry and Innovative Drugs: New Perspectives for Pharmacy"
Welcome to Sidi Bel Abbès for the 2nd National Day of the Faculty of Medicine Taleb Mourad
Dear colleagues, Dear studentsIt is with great pleasure that we invite you to the second edition of the National Day of the Faculty of Medicine Taleb Mourad entitled: Green Chemistry and Innovative Drugs: New perspectives for pharmacy. This day will be held in Sidi Bel Abbès, a welcoming and dynamic city located approximately 450 km west of Algiers.Sidi Bel Abbès, ranked among the most pleasant towns in the country, will offer you a warm and conducive setting to exchanges during this day dedicated to the practice of health and the rigorous and appropriate use of medicinal plants.The Scientific Committee has developed a rich and exciting program We hope that the conferences, workshops and rich discussions that will punctuate this day will allow us to enrich our knowledge and our daily practices in the field of health.
Comittee :
Pr Bouziani Merahi : Rector of the University of Djillali Liabes: Honorary President
Pr Merbouh Mohammed Amine : Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Taleb Mourad: Honorary President
Scientific comittee
Dr Nezha SEKKAL, Djillali Liabes University (President)
Pr I-N. Taleb-Mokhtari Djillali Liabes University
Pr N. Belkessem Djillali Liabes University
Pr B. Mouffok Djillali Liabes University
Pr S. Tabouri Djillali Liabes University
Dr A. Oughiles Djillali Liabes University
Dr I. Bekhti Djillali Liabes University
Dr N. Bellifa Djillali Liabes University
Dr N-N. Benchiha Djillali Liabes University
Dr S. Benaoula Djillali Liabes University
Dr D. Matmour Djillali Liabes University
Dr H. Larachi Djillali Liabes University
Dr S. Hichour Djillali Liabes University
Dr Z. Djelloul Djillali Liabes University
Pr S.C. Taleb Djillali Liabes University
Pr FMR. Moulessehoul Djillali Liabes University
Organisation Comitee
Pr S. Tabouri, Djillali Liabes University (President)
Dr N. Sekkal Djillali Liabes University
Pr N. Belkessem Djillali Liabes University
Pr I.N Taleb-Mokhtari Djillali Liabes University
Dr A. Oughiles Djillali Liabes University
Pr FMR. Moulessehoul Djillali Liabes University
Dr N. Bellifa Djillali Liabes University
Dr N.N. Benchiha Djillali Liabes University
Dr I. Bekhti Djillali Liabes University
Dr Z. Djelloul Djillali Liabes University
Pr B. Mouffok Djillali Liabes University
Sylvius Club Djillali Liabes University
* Axis1 : Phytotherapy:
- Ethnobotanical studies and traditional pharmacopoeia
- Activities of medicinal aromatic plants
- Aromatherapy
* Axis 2 : Green chemistry :
- New processes for separation and purification of essential oils
- Methods for modeling mechanisms using theoretical chemistry
* Axis 3 : Innovative Drugs:-Targeted therapies: Revolution and Perspectives
- Similar organic medicines: Challenges and Perspectives
- Artificial intelligence and drug development
*Workshop1: Pharmacy & Cancer: Immunotherapy
* Workshop 2: Startups & Pharmacy towards therapeutic innovation: Design Thinking
* Workshop 3: Pharmaceutical Production & Environment: Impact of chemicals on environmental pollution
* Workshop 4: Pharmacy & Bioinformatics: Drug Design
Posters : Poster Template and dimensions (80 cm/100 cm)
Download the template of poster
Call for communications:
- Registration for the day is free but mandatory
Summary must not be sent directly to the box
Workshop inscription: place limited to 30 people
Instructions to authors
Title : Calibri 14 Center, Bold Font
Affiliation : Calibri 10 Center, Italic, Bold Font
Summury : Calibri 12 (Max300 words) Jusfied Text
References : Calibri 11(Max 10 references)
Key words : Calibri 11 (Max 5 words)
Language : English-French
8:00 a.m.: Welcome of participants 8:30 a.m.: Welcome speech 9:00 a.m.: Axis 1: Phytotherapy Workshop 1: Pharmacy & Cancer 10:30 a.m.: coffee break + Poster Session Workshop 2: Pharmacy & Startups
12h30 |
Afternoon |
2:00 p.m.: Axis 2: Green chemistry Workshop 3: Pharmaceutical Production & Environment 3:30 p.m.: coffee break + Poster Session 4:00 p.m.: Axis 3: Innovative Drugs Workshop 4: Pharmacy & Bioinformatics
6:00 p.m.: End of the day Certificates of participationPrize for best poster and best communication
20h30 |
Gala Dinner
- Dates & Deadlines
- Submission opening: Monday March 25, 2024, 9:00 a.m.·
- Submission closing: Tuesday April 30, 2024, 11:59 p.m.·
- The results will be available from May 15, 2024.·
- The selected authors will have until Sunday June 15, 2024 to register for the workshops.
- Date of the day Saturday June 29, 2024
- Place
· Hotel Eden Sidi bel Abbes· 173, Makam El Chahid, 22000, Sidi Bel Abbès, Algeria
0560 05 72 25
- Sponsors
- Chiali Group
- Hasnaoui Group
- Proderma Laboratory
- Fasla Group
- Dekkiche Company
Phone : 0559386266
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 6798
Planning (S1) 1ère Année MDentaire 2023-2024.pdf
Planning (S1) 2ème Année MDentaire 2023-2024.pdf
Planning (S1) 3ème Année MDentaire 2023-2024.pdf
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 8934
Planning 1ère année pharmacie 2023-2024
Planning 2ème année pharmacie 2023-2024
Planning 3ème année pharmacie 2023-2024
Planning 4ème année pharmacie 2023-2024
Planning 5ème année pharmacie 2023-2024
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 18113
Planning 1ère année médecine 2023-2024
Planning 2ème année médecine 2023-2024
Planning 3ème année médecine 2023-2024
Planning 4ème année médecine 2023-2024
La faculté
La faculté de médecine est l’une des 08 entités d’enseignement et de recherche de l’université Djilali Liabès de Sidi Bel Abbes. Elle est créée par le décret exécutif n° 04 – 252 du 29 août 2004 qui modifie et complète le décret exécutif n° 98 – 141 1er Août 1989 portant création de l’université Djilali Liabès de Sidi Bel Abbes.
La faculté a été crée en 1981 en tant qu’institut avec un effectif de 04 enseignants et 51 étudiants.
En 1985, elle fut rattachée en qualité d’annexe à l’INESSM d’Oran jusqu’à 1989 où elle devient institut des sciences médicales. En 1993, une nouvelle organisation fût introduite et il y a eu la création de la faculté de Médecine.
Elle dispose actuellement de trois départements. Celui de médecine qui est le premier créé, suivi du département de pharmacie et de médecine dentaire.