Full Professor
‘Communication Networks, Architectures and Multimedia (RCAM)’ Laboratory
Djillali Liabes University of Sidi Bel-Abbes, Algeria
Contact details: Département d’électronique, Faculté de Génie Electrique, BP 89, Université Djillali Liabes , faculté de Génie Electrique, Campus Universitaire, Sidi Bel Abbes 22000, Algeria |
Mobile : +213 (0) 556 937 003 Email: |
Research Interests
Digital image processing, digital TV, HDTV, digital image compression, cryptography, digital communications, new technologies of information and communication technologies (ICTs), communications satellite.
- My main research areas are : Digital TV , digital image compression , HDTV, fractal image compression , cryptography , satellite communications information and communication technologies (ICT’s ) , analog and digital television, DSP.
- Familiar with the following software: MATLAB, FRACLAB, SCILAB as well as the RSA, DES and PGP cryptography and cryptanalysis algorithms.
- My skills are leadership quality, effective communicating and networking skills, committed and willing to take full responsibility, computer literate, qualified professional with attitude to work as a team. With the help of my technical publications, communications skills and team work habit, I feel I can make major contribution to your university by providing the breadth and depth of knowledge necessary to meet the ever increasing needs of students. I can also provide excellence in teaching, research and developing interdisciplinary programs with other academic institutions.
Short Biography
Multimedia, Computer networks, social collaborative networks , IT’s, information and communication technologies (ICT’s), Web applications, Web 2+, E-Learning , satellite communications, analog and digital television, DSP.
Signal, Image and Video Processing E-Learning
Information and Communication Technology
Wireless Sensor Network
Signal Processing
Image Processing
Science Education
Genetic Programming
Science 2.0 and Open Access
Social Media
- M. L. Seddiki, F. Ghanem, M. Nedil and A. Boukelif, "Compact crossover on multilayer substrate for UWB applications," in Electronics Letters, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 162-163, 2 2 2017.
- -BENBAKRETI Samir et Boukelif Aoued : Publication internationale dans le journal ACTA POLYTECHNICA, Journal of Advanced Engineering (Novembre 2018) : « NEW APPROACH FOR ONLINE ARABIC MANUSCRIPT RECOGNITION BY DEEP BELIEF NETWORK ». Vol 58 No 5 (2018). ISSN : 1210-2709 (print) ISSN : 1805-2363 (Online)
http://hdl.handle.net/10467/79126 - The AODV Extension Protocol Named AODV_SPB ,Amina Guidoum, Aoued Boukelif,International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security ,Vol.11, No.3, Mar. 2019.
- Load-balancing techniques in ad-hoc networks, A Guidoum, A Boukelif,f , S Achour ,M Madani ;INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS ;Volume 13, Apr, 2019 .
- A novel approach to enhance quality of service by distributing the load of traffic in MANETS Guidoum Amina and Aoued BOUKELIF . ID: 5805-922 . WSEAS conference 2015.
- Hairpin - Filter with stop bands for cognitive reconfigurable radios .Mohamed Lamine Seddiki Farid Ghanem and BOUKELIF Aoued SCCIBOV'2015 Workshop on Compression System and Indexing Based Spouse Object for Video . December 2015.
- Playful and collaborative simulation tools dedicated to language learning, '' international conference 'IT environment and teaching / learning languages'', Kenitra, 16-17 November 2011.
- Title: Optimization of AODV routing protocol in mobile ad hoc network by Introducing features of the protocol LBAR. Authors: Amina and Guidoum BOUKELIF Aoued .5th EuropeanConference of COMMUNICATIONS (ECCOM '14), Geneva, Switzerland, December 29-31.
- Authors: Aoued BOUKELIF Title: Semantic Web, cloud computing and new collaborative practices, The 3rd International Conference on Software Engineering and New Technologies (ICSENT'14), Tunisia, from 20 to 22 December 2014.
- B. & A. BOUKELIF BELGHEIT "Performance Comparisons of the LDPC codes Using Joint Source-Channel Decoding "MEDITERRANEAN CONGRESS OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS FES MOROCCO, March 22 to 24, 2012.
- Authors: Aoued BOUKELIF Education for intercultural communication and development: Social Change. Congress Mesce, Hammamet in Tunisia 1-2-3, October 2012 "Education and change: towards a real human development. ". www.mesce2012.org.
- Authors: Aoued BOUKELIF "Project based collaborative learning. What benefits? " International Conference on Education & E-Learning Innovations ICEELI '2012, July 1-3, Sousse, Tunisia. www.ICEELI.org.
- Authors: Aoued BOUKELIF Collaborative learning by solving problems and achieving educational projects: the APP method. International Conference on Education and elearning Innovations. § Global Summit on Computer Information Technology .GSCIT'2014. Sousse, Tunisia, 14- 16 June 2014.
- Current and emerging uses of IT's and multimedia in university teaching International Conference on Information Systems and Technologies "ICIST'2015 Istanbul, Turkey, March 21-23, 2015.
- Evaluation seeking rational methodologies. International conference, 6-7 March 2015, University Ibn Zoheir Agadir.
- Collaborative distance learning platforms "LMS, CMS, LCMS, DMS, ECMS, ENT, ILE '. 2nd World Symposium on Web Applications and Networking .March 21-23, Sousse, Tunisia.
- A New Authentication Scheme for Wireless ATM Networks (WATM) Gharib Hadj, N ABOUDAGGA, A BOUKELIF – Acta Electrotechnica , Volume 50 N° 2, 2009 .
- Concatenated Gallager codes matrix and the effect of interleaver B. Belgheit, A. Boukelif, A. Moulay Lakhder & M. Kamline International Journal of Electronics, DOI:10.1080/00207217.2012.669705. To link to this article:
International Journal of ElectronicsAvailable online: 05 Apr 2012.
- Optimization of AODV routing protocol in mobile ad-hoc network by introducing features of the protocol LBAR. Guidoum Amina , BOUKELIF Aoued. Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering and Electronic Devices. Proceedings of the 5th European Conference of Communications (ECCOM '14). Geneva, Switzerland December 29-31, 2014. ISBN: 978-1-61804-266-8
- “ Wireless Networking Based on Fully Autonomous "all in One " (WiFi, VoIP and Solar Power) e-Case Solutions '' ” in 4th International Conference on Management, Marketing, Tourism, Retail, Finance and Computer Applications, January 29-31, 2016, Venice, Italy.
- Opening up isolated areas by wireless networking based on fully autonomous"all in One " (WiFi, VoIP and solar power) e-case solutions Author(s): Aoued Boukelif. Workshop/tutorial on e-Learning.
- Title : Current and emerging usages of IT‟s and multimedia in university teaching Author : Prof BOUKELIF Aoued 5h World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies (WICT 2015)
http://www.mirlabs.net/wict15 at Marrakesh - Morocco.7-9 December 2015. Authors: Aoued BOUKELIF - " New generation networks (NGN) and images." International Congress on Telecommunication and Application'14 ; University of A.MIRA Bejaa , Algeria , 23-24 APRIL 2014 ICTA'14 .
- Optimization of fractal image compression based on genetic algorithms SETIT 2009 , 5th International Conference: Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, March 22-26, 2009 – TUNISIA.
- Enrichment of medical education by learning through clinical reasoning: The APA method, E-Medisys 2008, 2nd International Conference: E-medical systems, October 29-31, 2008 - TUNISIA.
- Introduction of ICT in the Algerian educational system: convergence or collision? EDEN (European Distance and E-Learning Network) 2008 Research Workshop, 20-22 October, Paris.
- Creating a university consortium Maghreb, Cost of non Maghreb, Graduate School of Translation Tangier, 16-18 December 2008.
- Simulation collaborative tools dedicated to language learning, ''Symposium ''Conference Teaching of Foreign Languages and Nursery: ICT and learning aids. , 23-25 March 2008 the first University of Oujda.
- Feedback: Creating a network of skills and Mediterranean center of excellence in educational technology, Symposium CEMAFORAD 4, ULP Strasbourg 9-11 April 2008, Distance Education, between diversity and standardization. 25th Congress of the AIPU,''the challenge of higher education quality, Montpellier 19-22 May 2008
- Symposium TICEMED 2008, 5th edition, the human in distance education, intercultural issues Sfax 21-23.
- Establishment of participatory training-employment relationship. 2nd International Symposium RAIFFET, ''Technological Education, Training and the fight against poverty ', Hammamet, 15-18 April 2008.
- "Integration of ICT and distance education in the BMD system, what educational benefits? "Scientific symposium Place of evaluation in the development strategy of the education system" COLLOEEVAL ORDIPU 07 "Casablanca from 26 to 27 October 2007.
- Collaborative learning through problem solving and implementation of educational projects: The APA method. Teaching and TICE TICEMED IV and VII. Beirut May 10-15 2O1O.
- Content Management Systems LMS, CMS, LCMS, DMS, CHMS, Platform, Groupware, ENT and ILE.'' 1st International Conference on e-Learning, Hammamet, 3-5 June 2010.
- The Semantic Web, ''cloud computing''''social'' and the new practices of collaboration in ICT.'' International Conference TICEMED 2009. Ubiquitous Learning. TICEMED 2009 - Milano-Bicocca, 28 to 29 May 2009.
- 2011 : Practice methodical troubleshooting television receivers " European Academic Publishing , January 2011,
https://www.morebooks.de/store/fr/book/pratique-du-d%C3%A9pannage-m%C3%A9thodique-des-r%C3%A9cepteurs-de-t%C3%A9l%C3%A9vision/isbn/978-613-1-56063-7 - 2010: Mobile communications. By OPU. ISBN978.9961.0.1324.3
http://www.opu-dz.com/site/fr/index.php?option=mod_livre&task=detail&id=820 - 2009 « DIGITAL TELEVISION, HDTV , satellite, multimedia ", European University Press, December 2010 ,
BOOK Chapters
- Book Chapter : Communication, Management and Information Technology: Enhancing quality of service by balancing the traffic load in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) 17/11/2016 CRC Press ISBN 9781138029729
- Distance Learning: Perspectives, Outcomes, and Challenges ; Chapter 12. Teaching and Learning Sustainably with Web 2.0 Technologies => pp. 213-244 10/04/2017. Editors: Pascal Roubides (Broward College Online, USA) ISBN: 978-1-53611-783-7
- Features Extraction and On-Line Recognition of Isolated Arabic Characters : Intelligent Natural Language Processing: Trends and Applications. 29/12/2017 Studies in Computational Intelligence Book Series by Springer