Publications Internationales

N. Taleb, Y. Bentoutou, O Deforges, M. Taleb, ‘’A 3D space-time motion evaluation for image registration in digital subtraction angiography’’, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 25 (2001), 223-233

Communications Internationales

A. DJEBBARI, J.M. ROUVAEN, D. DJEBBOURI and M. BOUZIANI " Performance analysis of multistage successive interference cancellation for multiuser DS/CDMA system over multipath fading channel" INTERNATIONAL INPT- AMSE CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS, RABAT, MOROCCO, MARCH 19-21, 2001

R. MELIANI, J.M. ROUVAEN, A. DJEBBARI, A. BASSOU and B.S BOUAZZA " Performance limits comparison of Berrou –Adde’s and Bahl’s turbo-decoding algorithms" INTERNATIONAL INPT- AMSE CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS, RABAT, MOROCCO, MARCH 19-21, 2001.

M. BOUZIANI, A. DJEBBARI, M.F. BELBACHIR AND J.M. ROUVAEN " Perfect Multiuser Interference Cancellation in Synchronous MC-CDMA Systems in Rayleigh Fading Channels " INTERNATIONAL INPT- AMSE CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS, RABAT, MOROCCO, MARCH 19-21, 2001.

BASSOU, R. MELIANI, A. DJEBBARI, J.M. ROUVAEN " Etude de la complexite d’un turbo-code sur Un canal de rayleigh sans memoire" INTERNATIONAL INPT- AMSE CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS, RABAT, MOROCCO, MARCH 19-21, 2001.

A.BOUKELIF "Accelerating fractal image compression by domain pool reduction, adaptive partitioning and structural block classification . 4 th Jordanian International Electrical § Electronics Engineering conference, 16 – 18 April 2001, Amman , Jordan

Z.CHAMA, M.F. BELBACHIR,M,ANANI,Z.MAHJOUB "A fast algorithm for signal reconstruction from its phase based upon least square criteria. Colloque International et exposition, TELECOM’2001 & 2émes JFMMA, Casablanca, Maroc, 17-18-19 Octobre 2001.

Z.CHAMA,M.F.BELBACHIR "Effects of additive noise on signal reconstruction from Fourier transform phase. International INPT-AMSE Conference on communications and systems, CSS’01, Rabat, Morocco, March 19-21, 2001.

A.Bounoua, S. M.A. Wady, M.F. Belbach ir, M. Gazalet, M. Gharbi ‘’Conception de filtres FIR numériques adaptatifs appliqués à la compression d’images dans une décomposition en ondelettes : Etude comparative’’, International Conference on Image and Signal Processing (ICISP’2001), Agadir (morocco), 03-05 may 2001.

A.Bounoua, S. M.A. Wady, M.F. Belbach ir, M. Gazalet, M. Gharbi ‘’Conception de filtres FIR numériques adaptatifs appliqués à la compression d’images dans une décomposition en ondelettes : Etude comparative’’, International Conference on Image and Signal Processing (ICISP’2001), Agadir (morocco), 03-05 may 2001.

F. TAYEBOUN, R.  Naoum. "Analysing Inhomogeneous Planar and rectangular Waveguides by Galerkin’s Method (hermite-Gauss functions) CSS’01 2001, 19-21 Mars 2001,Rabat, Maroc.

K. Khelil R.E. Bekka. M. oukli S. TERBECHE F.S. BELKHODJA R. NAOUM. "Analyse du signal électromyographique de surface (SEMG) par la transformée en ondelettes (TO)". CSS’01 2001, 19-21 Mars 2001,Rabat, Maroc

S. A. Chouakri ; F.Bereksi-Reguig "Wavelet Analysis Versus Fourier Analysis : Application To Time Varying Spectra. Second International Gabor Workshop (AUSTRIA) DECEMBER 2001.Résumé

A.BOUKELIF "BriBridging the information and communication gap in Northern Africa. Workshop on Radio communication in Africa .Ghana 15 – 19 October 2001

A.B. DJEBBAR, A.DJEBBARI, M. BOUZIANI, J.M. ROUVAEN " Interference Cancellation in OFDM-CDMA System" TELECOM’2001, Colloque International CASABLANCA 17-18-19 octobre 2001

A. Bounoua, S. M.A. Wady, M.F. Belbachir, M. Gazalet, M. Gharbi "Compression d’images numériques par transformée en ondelettes utilisant des filtres RIF", Conférence Maghrébine en Génie Electrique (CMGE’01), Constantine les 05 & 06 nov. 2001.

A.B DJEBBAR, A.DJEBBARI, M. BOUZIANI, J.M. ROUVAEN " Interference Cancellation in OFDM-CDMA System" TELECOM’2001, Colloque International CASABLANCA 17-18-19 octobre 2001.

A.BOUKELIF "Apport de la télévision numérique aux Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information et de la communication, Colloque Initiative 2001, Beyrouyh 25 - 27 Septembre 01.

Communications Nationales

A.B. DJEBBAR, A.DJEBBARI, M. BOUZIANI, M.AMERI, D.DJEBOURI, and J.M Rouvaen "Linear multiuser detection techniques for OFDM-CDMA System" Conférence Maghrébine en Génie Electrique CMGE’01, 05-06 Novembre 2001, Constantine, Algeria

Z.CHAMA" The importance of the first sample in non minimum phase signal reconstruction from magnitude. La conférence sur la génie électrique, CGE’01 Bordj-El-Bahri, Alger, 25-26 décembre 2001.

M. AMERI, A.DJEBBARI, A.B.DJEBBAR, M.BOUZIANI and J.M.ROUVAEN "BER simulation for MC-CDMA system for future wireless systems in AWGN channel" Proceedings SNCS’ 2001 , pp214-218, october 2001 DJELFA -ALGERIA.