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EEDIS Laboratory

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ARALD: Arabic Annotation Using Linked Data

Auteurs: » BOUZIANE Abdelghani
» BOUCHIHA Djelloul
» Rebhi Redha
» Lorenzini Giulio
» DOUMI Noureddine
» Menni Younes
» Hijaz Ahmad
Type : Revue Internationale
Nom du journal : Revue Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information ISSN:
Volume : 26 Issue: 2 Pages:
Lien : »
Publié le : 01-04-2021

Theevolution of the traditional Web into the semantic Web makes the machine afirst-class citizen on the Web and increases the discovery and accessibility ofunstructured Web-based data. This development makes it possible to use LinkedData technology as the background knowledge base for unstructured data,especially texts, now available in massive quantities on the Web. Given anytext, the main challenge is determining DBpedia's most relevant informationwith minimal effort and time. Although, DBpedia annotation tools, such asDBpedia spotlight, mainly targeted English and Latin DBpedia versions. Thecurrent situation of the Arabic language is less bright; the Web content of theArabic language does not reflect the importance of this language. Thus, we havedeveloped an approach to annotate Arabic texts with Linked Open Data,particularly DBpedia. This approach uses natural language processing â€¦

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